Besties & Business

142. How an unexpected experience gave us NEW thoughts around being meta-verified on Instagram

Jessica Jacobs & Stephanie Erhard

A little over a week ago, we brought you besties in on our WHY behind deciding to become meta-verified on instagram throughout episode 139. We shared with you how at first when the option to become meta-verified came about, we weren't interested in it, but we then changed our minds around it as we started to consider the pros behind doing so...

Less than 1 week after making that decision, Jess experienced something unexpected that further shaped both of our thoughts around being meta-verified on instagram!

Listen in to hear what happened to Jess & to hear how our mindset has expanded even more around this topic of becoming meta verified on instagram!

If you haven't listened into episode 139 yet, we recommend that you do - especially if you are a business owner with a presence on instagram! We feel called to share our thoughts & experiences around this NOT to convince you one way or another, but to help you make decisions that work best for YOU & your business, by sharing our thoughts & experiences with you!

Enjoy besties!


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@besties_and_business @stepherhard @heyimjessjacobs